Boston Marathon Eyewitness Account


I (Eric) took this photo minutes before tragedy struck. When the bomb went off, I was close enough to hear the boom, feel the blast, and smell the sulfur. Seconds later people started turning the corner from Boylston and running towards us but the Police and the rest of the first responders did a great job controlling the situation and limiting panic. My hat goes off to them. My hat also goes off to all the citizens of this wonderful city who came together to offer tremendous hospitality – rooms, beds, transportation, and encouragement. This is a special city.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families. My heart also goes out to all those tempted to be afraid. Don’t be afraid. Despite the constant news coverage showing fear, confusion, and chaos, the city is, for the most part, at peace today. People are going about their business and keeping on.

But that is not why I’m writing this right now. I want to make 2 points: one political and one moral.

First, the political. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t these bombs illegal? If congress made these bombs illegal, how in the world did criminals/terrorists gain possession of them? Absurd questions? Yes. Relevant? Extremely. Especially in light of the gun control debate going on in this country. Assuming for a moment that it is even possible, if Congress succeeded in removing all guns from the streets, the wicked would use bombs. If Congress succeeded in eliminating all bombs from the world, the ingenuity of evil would create some new and devious way to do its dastardly deeds.

My message to politicians is this: if you think you’re doing your job by scapegoating guns and other means of violence, think again. The problem is much deeper than that, it goes to the heart of man. But I hardly expect the Washington Elite to get that since they are famous for making Washington the city of “empty suits.”

The political point is this: either fix the problem or get out of the way in favor of those who can. If you are too blind to see, or too cowardly to confront the real problem of declining morality in this country, you need to step aside too.

That being said, there are still many good people in this country who in times of terror risk their lives that others might live. I saw many of these people in action yesterday. Our politicians should study them and seek to imitate their selfless examples. That is the moral point. Only through selflessness and sacrifice can we build a society worthy of the freedom we cherish. I close with a line from America the Beautiful.

America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul with self-control, thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!